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National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC)



The NMGC defines multiculturalism as not only diversity of membership, but a concrete commitment to acknowledge and celebrate all cultures equally through our programming, public service outreach efforts and community education.



The National Multicultural Greek Council promotes multiculturalism by advocating for justice and equity, cultivating interfraternal relationships, and empowering its member organizations. 



To provide a forum that allows for the free exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities. To promote the awareness of multicultural diversity within collegiate institutions, their surrounding communities, and the greater community-at-large. To support and promote the works of its member organizations.

The National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC) is an umbrella council for a coalition of Multicultural Greek-letter organizations (MGLOs) established in 1998. The purpose of NMGC is to provide a forum that allows for the free exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities; to promote the awareness of multicultural diversity within collegiate institutions, their surrounding communities, and the greater community-at-large, and to support and promote the works of its member organizations.


© 2021 by Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc.

Rho Chapter

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Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc. owns the trademark rights to our name, Greek letters, Crest, Xi Honeys, the Hand Sign(s), and other items.

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