Rho Chapter of Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Rho.DeltaXiNu@gmail.com

Rho Chapter's Philanthropy
Philanthropy plays a large part in who Delta Xi Nu is as a Greek Organization. Rho Chapter's mission is to raise awareness and money for Missing and Exploited Children in the United States. Every Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc. chapter must have a signature event dedicated to their philanthropy. Rho Chapter's Signature Event is "Don't Forget About Us." Through our advocacy, those around us will be better educated on the issue, and we can be an ally to the organizations fighting to bring missing children home and stop the exploitation of kids in America.
Our first banquet was extremely successful as we achieved our initial donation goal! We donated over $1,500 to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children! We are incredibly proud of all the hard work our Founding Line put into our first Signature Event!
Our second banquet dug deeper into one group: Indigenous children. Don't Forget About Us focused on the history and current pressing issue of the thousands of missing and exploited Indigenous children. Our second banquet and raffle was an extreme success, and we raised $3,688.50 for a brand new grant to be created under Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc.'s name. This grant will help bring home missing Indigenous children within the state of Nebraska.
Our third signature event had to be changed due to COVID-19. However, we continued our tradition of hosting a raffle and held it over social media. Our members were able to earn $2,078, all of which was donated to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Our fourth signature event will occur in February 2022, focusing on Missing and Exploited Children on 1-80.