Rho Chapter of Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Rho.DeltaXiNu@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions
What Is A Cultural Greek Organization?
Cultural greek letter organizations refer to social orgs with a large focus on culture and ethnic backgrounds. Although these organizations have historically targeted ethnic minorities, anyone of any race and ethnicity can join and is encouraged to!
How Do I Join Delta Xi Nu?
At the beginning of the semester, we have many events (Honey Week and Informationals) where interested candidates can come and get to know us! We also host mandatory informationals where you can learn exactly how to become a sister of Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
Can Anyone Join DXiNu?
Yes! Anyone who meets the guidelines stated on the Recruitment page is allowed to join! We embrace people of all ethnicities, ages, sexual orientation, and citizenship status!
Do Xi Honeys Haze?
NO! Xi Honeys are 100% against hazing! Not only is it illegal but it is against the morals and foundation that Delta Xi Nu is built on. #XiHoneysDontHaze
Am I Required To Stroll/Step?
No! We understand that Strolling and Stepping is apart of Greek Life and is important. However, our members are not required to be apart of our Stroll Team! The sisters of Delta Xi Nu are only encouraged to join if interested.
What Is A New Member Presentation?
A New Member Presentation (NMP) is a historical event that takes place after a new line has crossed into the sisterhood. This event is to show off all the new sisters that have crossed into our sisterhood. This event is NOT mandatory for all interests considering joining Delta Xi Nu.
What Is A Closed Process?
A closed process is critical when going through the process to join DXN. No one should know who is going through the process or that anyone is interested in Delta Xi Nu until crossed and revealed. This also means that information learned while in the process is not shared with others. All in all, we ask that those interested in joining practice discretion.
What Are The Benefits Of Joining?
Joining Delta Xi Nu can bring many different benefits to different people! Some of those are: sisterhood, developing leadership skills, volunteering opportunities, exposure to diversity, and creating a home away from home!
What Is Your Philanthropy?
Our National Philanthropy is Awareness of Violence Against Women and our Chapter Philanthropy is Missing and Exploited Children.
What Makes DXN Unique?
We have many things that separate us from other organizations in NE. We are currently the only active multicultural based sorority in the state! We are also a smaller and newer organization. Therefore, we are constantly creating new and amazing traditions!
What Is Your Social Media?
Instagram: unl_xihoneys
Twitter: unl_xihoneys
Facebook: unl.xihoneys