Rho Chapter of Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Rho.DeltaXiNu@gmail.com

Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc. (ΔΞΝ)

The Beginnings of DXiNu
Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc. was founded on October 7, 1997 at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
Our sorority was founded by five incredible women: Rena Kharbat (Palestinian), Jaime Slaughter (African American), Jetje Brewton (Dutch), Adrienne Magirl (Irish/Mexican American), and Lesliam Quiros (Puerto Rican).
Our founding mothers envisioned creating a sorority where women of all cultures would feel welcome and loved while creating life long friendships and educating and serving the community.

Sisterhood, Culture, and Education is the motto Xi Honeys live by!
Each sister strives to uphold our motto each and every day. We make the effort to inform ourselves and others within the community about the diversity among cultures. And lastly, we all aim to complete our educations and enrich the futures we have in front of use.

Mission Statement
Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Inc. is committed to the furtherance of multiculturalism by promoting diversity and cultural awareness in our local communities and throughout the world. Our purpose is to promote multiculturalism by educating the community and our peers about diversity and the importance of cultural awareness.

Quick Facts
Colors: Red and Silver
Symbol: Butterfly
Flower: Red Tulip
Nicknames: Xi Honeys, DXN, DXiNu
We are official members of the National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC)
Meaning of Letters (ΔΞΝ): "Changing Old Ways To New"
There are 21 Chapters/Associate Chapters all across the U.S.